Our Activities

Our Values

In 1666, Louis XIV ( also known as « the Sun King » ) and his minister J.-B. Colbert chose the site of Rochefort to build an arsenal. Due to its close relationship with the military domain, the goldwork embroidery was established in Rochefort since the creation of the city.

The Bégonia d'Or, as an embroidery atelier specialised in golden embroidery, was founded in 1995 as a continuation of this military history.

Sylvie Deschamps, the only Maître d'art of golden embroidery of France is the head of this atelier. She and her two associates (Rouhaud Marlène and Tarrade Thierry) create unique pieces, complete orders and restore religious or secular objects (from the 15th to the 20th century). Also, the three of these skilled embroiderers ensure the transmission of their precious and old savoir-faire.

The rigorous selection of the materials (all made in France) guarantees a perfect inalterability in the long term.

Here are the four main activities of the Bégonia d'Or :

The sublimation and ennoblement of artworks with golden embroidery for the designers, contemporary artists, architects and interior designers, perfumers, watchmakers, fashion designers and stylists, jewellers, leather workers, shoemakers...

The restoration and duplication of liturgical and secular old embroidery for the public sector, the army, associations, museums, privates...

The creation of to order embroidered artworks - logos, company gifts, coat of arms, blazons, monogram - and of custom unique pieces (available at the atelier & on our e-shop)

The transmission of the savoir-faire of golden embroidery through courses for any level (including for professional retraining). 

You can visit our economuseum every Tuesday on appointment. The tour lasts 45 minutes. You will discover our shop, ateliers and embroidered artwork, and you will learn a lot about golden embroidery history !

To support our association, you can join us via the 25€ annual fee (which is requiered for any registration to our courses). Also, you can receive our newsletter if you register below.




Nouveau kit de broderie or
Nouvelle année, nouveau kit de broderie or : une délicate fleur d'acanthe.Cette broderie délicate s'adresse aux personnes dotées des bases de la broderie or. La cannetille vient recouvrir minutieusement une découpe.De petites dimensions, elle peut être montée en broche ou badge.Le kit inclut le lin fin avec le motif poncé, les cannetilles, les fils, les découpes, les éclats percés, les aiguilles ... et la fiche technique.Dans le langage des fleurs, l'acanthe symbolise l'amour éternel...
2025, une année en or
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